I had ordered few books from Amazon.com before my hubby went to States ;)
Now I already received them all...Yeey! I likeeee...
I love all projects in One-Yard Wonders but I don't know when to start. There are 101 projects in few different chapters - interesting ;)
These two books, I can say interesting too. I'm soo into bag making now...hehe after completed the Reversible Bucket Bag project with Sue MyBotang :)
I love joining sew-along! It gives me motivation to sew more...n more...
I have the bag books and i love them another one you should get is the bag making bible by lisa lam i bought it at Kinojuniya, KLCC its my favorite one!
Thank for recommending the one yard wonders will add it to my list.
Mayya @ Sew Chic and Unique
The bag making bible has a list of bag making tips...it's good to have one! ;)
I love one yard wonders because it compiled variety of small and simple projects.
Thanks for dropping by Mayya..i love all your creative projects! ;)
wah... buku tu mmg best.. saya pernah belek kat umah Kak Rozi Rahman.. mmg best.. pattern semua ada kan? wah... mesti byk projek pas ni.. :) hubby gi US, nape x pesan je kat dia? jimat postage.. hehehehe
iyer mmg buku2 tu best la zila n yes, ada pattern skali.
hari tu order kat amazon, then hantar kat kawan hubby kat US. Mmg hubby la yg kena bwk balik..free shipping kat US area. best kann..
kat malaysia kurang source mcm ni..sbb negara kita kecik je. nasib baik ada internet ;)
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